Blackbody Spectrum
- Blackbody
- Sun
- Light
- Quantum Mechanics
How does the blackbody spectrum of the sun compare to visible light? Learn about the blackbody spectrum of the sun, a light bulb, an oven, and the earth. Adjust the temperature to see the wavelength and intensity of the spectrum change. View the color of the peak of the spectral curve.
Sample Learning Goals
- Describe what happens to the blackbody spectrum as you increase the temperature. What happens to the shape of the curve and the peak of this curve?
- What happens to the blackbody spectrum as you decrease the temperature?
- Set the temperature to that of a light bulb (around 3000 K). Based on this information, do lightbulbs seem efficient? Why do light bulbs get hot?
- Imagine that you see 2 hot, glowing objects--one is glowing orange and the other is glowing blue. Which one is hotter?
Version 2.02
Teacher Tips
Overview of sim controls, model simplifications, and insights into student thinking ( PDF ). |
Teacher-Submitted Activities
Title | Authors | Level | Type | Subject | ||
Visualization and Visual Illusions SIM Homework | Kathy Perkins, Carl Wieman | UG-Intro | HW | Physics | ||
Blackbody Radiation and Wien's Law | Michael Pennisi | HS | Lab | Physics | ||
PhET Sims Aligned to the Chemistry Curriculum | Julia Chamberlain | UG-Intro HS |
Other | Chemistry | ||
Alignment of PhET sims with NGSS | Trish Loeblein | HS | Other | Biology Physics Chemistry Earth Science |
How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program? | Sarah Borenstein | MS | Other | Biology Chemistry Earth Science Physics |
Blackbody Spectrum Simulation Homework | Kathy Perkins, Carl Wieman | UG-Adv UG-Intro |
HW | Physics | ||
Blackbody Spectrum & Lasers Simulations Homework | Kathy Perkins, Carl Wieman | HS UG-Intro |
HW | Physics | ||
Mapping of PhET and IBDP Physics | Jaya Ramchandani | HS | Other | Physics | ||
MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment | Elyse Zimmer | HS MS |
Other | Biology Chemistry Physics |
Temperature and Radiation Activity | Dorian McIntire | HS UG-Intro |
HW Lab |
Other Physics Astronomy |
Temperature and Luminosity of Stars: Wein's Law and the Stephan Boltzmann Law | Rhoda Berenson | UG-Intro | Lab | Astronomy | ||
Blackbody Radiation updated from Michael P. | michael marty | HS | Lab Demo |
Black Body Radiation: Seeking Patterns in Data Sets | Roberto Marrero | HS | Lab | Chemistry | ||
Solar Astronomy | Mark Kelly | HS | HW Lab |
Astronomy | ||
Blackbody Spectrum | Curt Miller | HS | Lab | Physics | ||
흑체 스펙트럼 SIM 사용지침서 | 이화국(Wha Kuk Lee) | HS MS |
Demo Lab |
Astronomy Chemistry Physics Earth Science |
Ley de Wien y de Stephan-Boltzmann | José Saldaña | UG-Intro HS |
Lab | Physics Astronomy |
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Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10 Macromedia Flash 9 or later
OS X 10.9.5 or later Macromedia Flash 9 or later
Macromedia Flash 9 or later
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